WordPress CMS Hacker
WordPress setup
While there are often page builders used to edit large static pages in the WordPress backend, i configure it more like a CMS. I establish custom content types, taxonomies and fields. The editor only has to add single sets of content, reduced to only the information that exactly is needed. The complete frontend is build up dynamic on these structure. Publishing made easy!
WordPress plugins
I used and edited a various number of plugins. I always select them with care, they have to:
- Contain less or no ads
- Well integrated in the WordPress API
- Enhance the backend and provide functions for the front end without changing it by default
- Do not open a connection to third parties by default
- Its completely OK to use an unmaintained Plugin when i can read and edit the code structure, i will fork it then and edit it to my needs
- If the code is editable, i can enhance missing features of a plugin
WordPress security
I offer a high level of security for WordPress pages. The lesser third party connection, the better.
Meawhile all forms including login, registration, lost password, contact and other are secured by honeypot, custom Javascript if possible or simple captchas. Also brute-force and xss attacs are targeted and black/whitelisting of IP addresses to login is possible as well as moving the login page URL.
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